on Ealing’s Conscientious Objectors: Hanwell)
posts have looked at the cases of Arthur Morley Jones of 24 Grove Avenue, and his brother Sydney Langford Jones, of 67
Shakespeare Road, who both became Conscientious Objectors in the First
World War. Data from the Pearce Register now available at the Imperial War
Museum’s Lives of the First World War website shows at least another half-dozen
COs living in Hanwell:
George Brodie, Post Office worker, 50 Deans Road;
Alfred George Hooker, Postman, 57 York Avenue;
H. W. Locke, 12, Milton Road;
Frank Scrace, Electric fitter, 1 Market Parade; “wife's
address” 34 Boston Road;
Jonathan Trigg, Commercial traveller in foodstuff, 29 Clitherow Avenue/ 43
Grosvenor Road;
Horace Edwin Walker, Dept. Manager in Southall metal goods
factory, 52 Grove Avenue.
and an A. E. Jones and an M. Jones whose details are uncertain –
· the former with address given as “Hanwell”, said to have been given a prison
sentence (Durham Civil Prison) and transferred to the Home Office Scheme - "12.10.16
gone for WNI (Work of National Importance) at Wakefield; 28.11.16 at Denton,
Newhaven; 28.8.17 at Dartmoor”
· the latter’s arrest said to have been reported by the No-Conscription Fellowship, 5-9-16, address
given as “Hanwell”, “Absentee” from Magistrates’ Court.
For the most part, the known addresses were within easy walking distance
of each other, and of the Council’s offices in Cherington Road, where the Hanwell
Local Tribunal was based.
![]() |
The former Hanwell Urban District Council offices, where Hanwell Local Tribunal hearings were held. |
H. W.
Locke, who lived in the next street down from Sydney Langford Jones, differs from the others insofar as he
didn’t wait for conscription; he served in the (Quaker) Friends' Ambulance Unit from Nov.1914 to Jan.1919, according to its List
of Members. Presumably he did not therefore need to claim exemption, and hence does
not appear in Tribunal records.
Scrace is described, unusually, as “Atheist”, suggesting
that his case may be worth examining more closely. His connection with Hanwell is
uncertain (an address in Tooting is given as his main one), and he does not
seem to have made an appeal to the Middlesex Tribunal. According to the 1911
Census he and his wife Maude were living at 2 Handsworth Cottages, West
District Road, Ashford, Middlesex. His wartime fate is summarised as: (Drafted
into a combatant unit and disobeyed orders) Prison: Wormwood Scrubs transfer to
Wandsworth CP (Civil Prison) 1.2.17 to 8.3.17 (Remission); Wandsworth 26.3.17
to 17.8.17 (Remission);
Canterbury CP to Wormwood S. 6.11.17; 2.9.18 transfer to Wandsworth. By Jan.1919 had
served 3 sentences and two years. Illness - released on health
grounds by order of Secretary of State 10.1.19.
George Hooker applied to the Hanwell MST (Military Service Tribunal) as a member of the Plymouth
Brethren and was granted Exemption from Combatant Service, 14.7.16. Evidently accepting this
(his name does not show up on Middlesex
Appeal Tribunal files), he served in the Non-Combatant Corps: 24.7.16
Hounslow, (6 Eastern) 25.7.16, (11 Eastern) 11.5.18; Home: 24.7.16
- 24.12.19 Demob.
Information from record
transcriptions and Appeal Tribunal (MAT) files
Jonathan Trigg: Married.
1-9-1879. Military Service Tribunal Hanwell: Exemption from Combatant Service)
conditional on Work of National Importance. Military Service Tribunal Appeal relates
to health issues.
Application for Medical
Re-examination [after being placed at Grade I]:
That I
am not medically fit for military service, having heart trouble, also [...]
May 14th
is allowed. 28th May 1918
The Application was supported by a
letter from a West Ealing doctor, J. Anderson MB, dated 12-5-1918, confirming
Trigg’s account of his problems including : cardiac
disease – a mitral murmur [...]
The final document is a
certificate dated 12-5-1918 from H W. Price MD of Harley Street, concluding: In my opinion there is enlargement of the heart and organic
mitral incompetence
at IWM site states: WNI (Pelham) (Work of National Importance under the Pelham
Committee) 10.10.18 to 5.12.18 Rejected by Army Medical Board in 1916 and 1917
but passed grade 1 in 1918; to work at Isleworth Rubber Co. but work too heavy
for him; 5.12.18 allowed to return to his former employment.
Brodie applied to the Hanwell Tribunal early in 1916 both on
grounds of conscience – ‘F’ – and on account of the hardship – ‘D’ – that would
ensue for his parents if he was called up.
I have
a conscientious objection to participation in warfare which I regard as morally
parents are old and infirm and entirely dependent upon my earnings & I am
married but my marriage did not take place until after Nov 2nd [...].
February 1916
He added a fuller statement, a note from his parents, and
copy of a letter from the Member of Parliament for this division to whom I
wrote briefly describing my domestic position.”
Dear Sir,
At one o’clock this morning the government assented to an
amendment of a very wide character enabling persons in the position of yourself
to appeal to the Military Tribunal for exemption on the grounds mentioned in
your letter.
Brodie’s application was, however, refused, his appeal
dismissed, and leave to appeal to the Central Tribunal refused. The pattern was
repeated on his second attempt, in June-July. (His was among a batch of 8 appeals
sent from Hanwell to the Middlesex Appeal Tribunal on 11-7-16, not necessarily - indeed probably not - all from COs). The fact that his conscientious objection was not based on religion
prompted the usual adverse reaction:
... The appellant considers that a
policy of disarmament should have been pursued by all the Nations before the War
It is merely a case of muddled
political theories, and of a refusal to face facts.
James Morley
18th March
transcription at IWM site: Brentford Police Court 21.8.16, tried, fined 40/-
and handed over; Absentee; Post Office worker, released for service 31.7.16. Prison:
Wormwood Scrubs. Non-NCC (Drafted into a combatant unit and disobeyed orders) Work
Centre under Home Office Scheme: Denton, Newhaven; 28.8.17.
FOLLOW: A closer look at George Brodie’s
case as presenting features of special interest.
He did not want to serve in the Non-Combatant Corps but was willing to undertake work of national importance as long as it was not normally associated with waging war. Among the letters of support he obtained was one from another CO, Archibald Montague Mather of 72 Adelaide Road, West Ealing. Mather is on record as having been ‘formerly Baptist, now "[Plymouth] Brethren" because he objected to the pro-war stance taken at Baptist chapel.’
The Military Representative was not favourably disposed to Horace Walker despite his explicit denial of political motivation:
This is a claim on the ground of conscientious objection which I must
leave to the tribunal. I may point out
however that the claimant is taking a very fair salary working for a firm which
is manufacturing munitions of war.
James Morley
July 1916
later dismissed a further appeal as “the usual attempt to get further time”
(11-8-1916).In fact Walker had supplied a letter from the Southall firm where he was a Departmental Manager, H G Sanders of Gordon Road, “manufacturers of metal goods”, stating that
“Mr. H. E Walker is employed in a branch of our factory that is not in
any way connected with munitions or war work, and in fact he intimated to us
some time after the war started that if his work could be considered in any way
as being connected with munitions he would have to resign from the position he
He was
nevertheless clearly less of an absolutist than some, who would have had
nothing to do with such a firm, and when all avenues of appeal were eventually exhausted
he put up with being drafted into the Non-Combatant Corps (14.9.16 Hounslow
barracks), no doubt helped by being passed as “Medically fit for Home Service
only” and being eligible for periodic leave etc. (he was married). His transcribed record reports “No
disciplinary incidents except for a case of over-staying his leave in August
1918 shortly after his son was born” and gives his Demob. date as 31.12.19.![]() |
Part of Hanwell (south Hobbayne) with some streets where COs had addresses. (Cherington Road as in above picture is south of Hanwell station, at end of Ballfour Av.) |
WORK IN PROGRESS; In addition to those named here as having Hanwell connections, at least four COs were confined in Hanwell Asylum – London County Asylum at the time – after the Central Tribunal, meeting at Wormwood Scrubs, decided they should be certified insane. It is hoped that research will reveal more about them. UPDATE ON THIS TOPIC HERE.