Joe (well over 6' tall) pushing the "small American pram" down 5th Avenue must indeed have been a sight to see. His pride in his first-born daughter is further documented when the family reach their destination in Newfoundland:
Joe is quite balmy about Marjorie - I found that everyone in the place had seen her photo & knew her name, age & weight & one kid had a doll called after her.
[From Scotland's People]
Surname Forename Gender Year Ref R[egistration] D[istrict]
FLETT MARJORY JOAN F 1915 168/3 140 Rubislaw
FLETT MARJORY JOAN F 1915 126/ 10 BellieHow and why this came about remains something of a puzzle. The details supplied by her father match exactly, so that at first sight it looks as though he may have assumed she needed to be registered in her place of residence as well as her birthplace and done so on his own initiative. At the time non-home births were the exception, still more so if occurring away from the family's home parish, and it is not known why the nursing home in Aberdeen was chosen - possibly there were fears for the mother's health, or Joe may simply have wanted what seemed to be the best care for her since, then, he could afford it.
A closer look, however, shows that far from being unaware of the duplication, the Registrar for Bellie transcribed the entry himself (or just possibly herself?), presumably from the original certificate issued in Aberdeen. This appears to be an unusual proceeding, and it would be interesting to know of any similar examples. Could the Registrar have been new to the job, replacing someone who had joined up, since this is a few months into the First World War, and unfamiliar with this sort of circumstance?
Nowadays it would no doubt be illegal, whether or not it was then, because of the potential it suggests for fraud, e.g. claiming benefits in different places, or identity theft - not the sort of thing that would have occurred to Marjory of course!
Middle record on this page: Marjory's birth in a nursing home in Aberdeen |
Top record here: Marjory's birth also registered in home parish, Bellie: "Transcribed at Fochabers" by the Registrar. Marginal note: Dist. of birth: Rubislaw (Aberdeen) |
(As it happens, this item has been posted on the 124th anniversary of Marjory's mother's birth.)