Tuesday 1 January 2019

A no-longer-obscure anniversary: centenary of the loss of the Iolaire

New Year's Day news stories from the BBC (Scotland)

https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/uk-scotland-46687762/iolaire-disaster-near-stornoway-remembered - 1 minute video clip.

The Iolaire disaster:  The 'crowning sorrow of the war' - Iain MacInnes

National commemorative service to recall Iolaire disaster  

And on BBC Alba (Gaelic)  -  Call na h-Iolaire

https://www.bbc.co.uk/naidheachdan/46732381 - Service, and other events: Cuirmean is seirbheisean cuimhneachaidh na h-Iolaire

https://www.bbc.co.uk/naidheachdan/46731473 -Short summary, clips of two survivors: Sùil air tubaist na h-Iolaire, 1919

https://www.bbc.co.uk/naidheachdan/46731471 - Art installation at Holm: Carragh-chuimhne ann an Tolm

https://www.bbc.co.uk/naidheachdan/46731475 - Dedicated Shinty game: Geama iomain na h-Iolaire

https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-highlands-islands-46822655 - Seen from space

Satellite image showing Iolaire commemorationSImage copyrightSENTINEL HUB EO BROWSER
Image captionThe image shows vessels involved in the New Year's Day Iolaire commemoration

"A procession of boats forming part of a commemoration to mark 100 years since the Western Isles' Iolaire disaster was captured in a satellite image... by an amateur astronomer... [who] lives in Stornoway."
Previously on this blog (relevant posts): 



Around the Peat-Fire, by Calum Smith (Edinburgh, Birlinn, 2001), p.21
Since Calum Smith wrote about the Iolaire in chapter 3 of his book, several more accounts have been published, most recently a major study from Acair Books, Stornoway -

Among the lost seamen whose families and stories the authors have researched is Calum's paternal uncle John Smith, whom he remembered on the page reproduced above:

('Safety' was Calum's nickname, shared by most of his brothers)

At least two of Calum's own nephews have in turn participated in the renewed commemorative effort, helping to inform researchers and reporters about the family connection.

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